Sorry for the graphic disgusting thing that follows (don't read it if you're eating, or plan to ever eat again). I just need a little sympathy thrown my way.
Every thirty minutes or so I've been going into the dog porch and cleaning up gobs of diarrhea. I can't let any of the dogs out into the yard because tree guys are here (gate wide open=dogs on walkabout), and although they're tolerant of dogs, falling tree branches aren't the safest environment for sniffy, nosey, barky beasts.
So. Four contained dogs. One with diarrhea. Who keeps licking his nasty sticky butt. And then throwing up.
I feel soooo sorry for him. Vet is closed today, and I wouldn't take him anyway without waiting for at least 24 hours to see if it goes away on its own. But still.
He's spread diarrhea over EVERYTHING! The couch cover, the ottoman cover, the floor (and the floor again - and again - and again (repeat several more times) - the floor hasn't been cleaned this much since we moved in).
I gave him a bath. He spread diarrhea all over our bathtub (ew!)
In short, IT STINKS!
And I can't clean thoroughly or disinfect anything until tree guys go away (b/c there's no place to put the dogs other than the dog room. The cats are freaking out enough as it is without having to share their space with dogs that smell like diarrhea)
So. I'm sick dog mom today. At least the trees are getting trimmed.
I'm almost glad I decided to stay home today, but it sucks because it's -- shitty. He's in the kennel right now. It means an even nastier bath later, but at least I can remove the cover from the couch so two Black dogs have a place to chill. Brown dog hasn't left her kennel all morning.
Poor Red dog. And yet, I doubt he'll learn to avoid whatever he ate to cause this.
At least I have black pansy sorbet (unless N&D ate the last of it last night). Once I shower (again), I'm having me a pansy margarita.
Mmm. margaritas are such a wonderful panacea.
Some Recipes for Herb/Flower Sorbets which would explain the beautiful picture up top.
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