Yesterday evening, while A. was drinking sparkling shiraz with friends, Pico started barking with the neighbordogs who are totally ignored and bark all the time. I got annoyed and brought her in. Miss Maggs decided that because I was annoyed, she should attack Pico.
So she did.
I'm lucky I was able to get them apart. I've since done a little research on how to effectively break up a dog fight with just one person. It's not easy, but one way involves tying one dog by its hauches to a fixed object (fence, door) and grabbing the other dog by the rear legs (carefully) and tail, and pulling. I pulled Miss Maggs by the tail, but she wouldn't let go, so the three of us (with Hope in tow) walked around the house, crapping and pissing in fear. Okay. so it was only Pico. But still.
I should have realized that Miss Maggs was getting a little cocky when I'd walk in the living room and find her on the settee. Not enough exercise, not enough socialization. Not enough. Never enough.
I mopped everything up with dawn dishsoap (lavendar), then orange oil. And I smudged the house with cedar. It still feels bad. I really wish dogs had never come into our life, and now there's no going back.
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