Thursday, January 11, 2007

43 Things!

So I've joined 43 things and have six things that I'm working on. I just posted a listing for my progress on going through the bookshelves and removing all of the clutter (also known as cheap insulation, but they get dusty and books emit odors). I've listed three books that I've read on (and if they don't sell in a week, they're going to the free shelf at cafe caffeine). Listed to sell: The Light Ages, Silverlock, and Sextopia. To read: The Wellness Book (bought as a hint to the N&D), Politics of Women's Biology (left by roommate and migrated to my bookshelf), and In Memoriam to Identity (bought at the local anarchist bookstore, but it's Kathy Acker and she's not exactly airport literature).

Oh, and the litterbox cat training thing isn't going so well. The cat keeps drinking out of the toilet, so it's lid-stays-closed time for us. Must ... remember ... in ... middle ... of ... night ...

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