Monday, February 12, 2007

Taki and Tsuki

Originally uploaded by carabou.
Taki ("dragon") was a fierce kitten, and the biggest attention slut of all. He would meow in the kitchen. I would give him dry food. He would meow again. I would give him a can of wet food. He would meow again. I would give him fresh water. He would meow again. I would open the front door for him so he could go out. He would meow again. I would pick him up. He would snuggle up underneath my chin and purr.

Tsuki ("moon") was as big as the moon and just as unreachable. Small kitten from next door would come over and they would play the slo-mo version of chase. When Tsuki ran, though, he scurried. He once scurried around the corner to the kitchen, lost control, put his claws out for traction, but the mass of his body and the hardwood floors worked against him and he slammed into the wall. He left claw streaks etched into the wood across the length of his attempted stop. And he would give the most amazing purr-bys.

I miss them.

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