Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Caged Produce

Caged Produce
Originally uploaded by carabou.
The year before it was the dogs.

Granted, the dogs were clearing out the kitty chocolates from the neighborhood colony, but still. No garden. Planted quite a bit of amazing potential and I think all we got were two cherry tomatoes and an eggplant.

Last year it was the chickens. They figured out quickly that clay doesn't "scratch" easily, but that non-soil in the square foot garden I set up was wonderful for digging and creating chicken-sized divots. I don't even know where the non-soil went ... it was magic. The only plant that survived the wrath of their claws was the strawberry I fenced in on a whim. Harvested more, but only because the chickens were still growing. They're almost a year old now, and they're cute little feet are now of Russian folklore proportion.

This year ... I'm trying a new tactic. Fencing in the entire square-foot system. They've already figured out that whatever is in there is delicious but so far haven't torn it apart yet. I'm waiting.

I'm also using egg shells (emptied, and with a hole pierced on the bottom) to plant the seeds. Still trying to convince the earthworms that my yard is delicious but in places where the chickens can't get them. Whenever I pull out the hand cultivator, the chickens come running. They're cute, but I have a lot to learn about negotiating for yard space with my little urban flock.

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