Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Instant bog!

Instant bog!
Originally uploaded by carabou.
Today sucks. Just in general. I never really viewed myself as depicting the "victim" -- but I'm really get tired of being yelled at. I'm not a scapegoat for others frustrations. Quit killin' the messenger. Really. Obtuse? Yes. But I really can't say much more other than I feel like crap and I don't know how much longer I can handle this. At all.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by carabou.

Trudy's for a birthday cake in a glass. I had a frustrating day, especially since all I really wanted to do was go to Pedernales and sit with my feet in the water, eat some chocolate cake and think about life. *sigh*

Carolee and Christopher are ver' cool though. Two amazing books (one fun, one supercool), christmas lights, mints, a fabulous butterfly dish (not a butter dish, but the butterfly named "Figure 1"), night blooming jasmine and a rather cool pot. They're so cool. *sigh*


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Eventful Easter

Weeding 15 April
Originally uploaded by carabou.

N&D's been amazing these past few days. He's watered all the plants that needed watering, built a Chuy fence, helped me build a new door to the crawlspace under the house so we can get rid of the pile of bricks and rather large plant keeping the dogs out, and he created an extension to our side fence to keep people from jumping over it.

The Story with Caveat: I have no concrete evidence; this is based on impressions of the event and it could have actually been something completely innocent.

Thursday night at about 1:30am N&D and I were jolted out of bed by the dogs barking furiously, a loud thunk and a
weird metal sound, and then the 70# dog squealing horribly (she squeals
anyway when she's nervous -- she's a diva -- but this was more of a
pain squeal). After five minutes of "time out" to calm her down, she
didn't jump up to greet me, was breathing irregularly and licking her
side as if it hurt. No obvious broken ribs, but she was acting as if
they were bruised.

In the morning, over on the only side of the house without a motion
sensor light, where I cleared out the hedge so we can fix the metal on
the chain link fence that is bent and loose, I saw the mulch
underneath the tree on the non-dog side completely mushed up in about
a four foot-long swatch. Just large enough for a person jumping a
fence rather quickly to land.

N&D's been leaving the dogs access to the backyard at night as he's been feeling as if someone's been scoping the house. The last time he felt this way, we found out someone had actually been using our yard to dump stolen wallets.

We didn't actually see anyone ... The dogs bark at cats ... and dogs
... and squirrels ... and people walking by ...

... but we're pretty sure someone tried to break in to our house

Happy Easter/Mid-Pesach/Seasonal Holiday of your Denomination!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

smack down cat

Originally uploaded by carabou.
So yesterday I joined my first Flickr group. I uploaded this image this morning.

On my walk this morning, a little black cat was trying to get the smack-down with Maggs and Hope. It followed us for almost a full block, tail puffy, intent in its eyes. I couldn't stop laughing as I was almost pulled off balance. Plus two of my neighbors brightened my day a little more as a minute after that, they told me that they loved the side garden (this one -- the domino garden, where more pictures are posted on flickr than here, the blog that is dedicated to it. Agh!)

Anyway. What a funny way to start the day.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy News / Sad News

This weekend was beautiful. Literally. Gorgeous Saturday, and N&D and I spent the morning and early afternoon at the mosaic-jam. Two mosaic-people, two mosaic-flowers, and only one more mosaic-person to go. Yay! And then Aaron and I worked on the brochure, and I cooked really nasty carrot cake that was way to healthy (ew).

Sunday, up early. Aaron washed clothes while I spent the entire morning looking for my keys. Nowhere in the house. I don't know where they are. Watered the plants in the island. Sad to be missing such another beautiful day that I could spend with puppies in the park but the brochure is mostly done (there are some image issues, and it really needs to be printed ... but whatever). And then found out that Lily was PTS. Sweet, sweet, majestic loving girl. 108 in human-equivalent of dog years. She was tired, I bet. Sweet, gentle, grey furred girl.

My heart aches for Sonja. It really does. I hope her spirit flies with Lily tonight in her dreams and she feels that soft warm body next to hers when she's curled up in bed.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Sometimes I love our neighborhood

poppy mosaic #3 Originally uploaded by carabou.
Sonja neighbor is so cool. I've been chatting with her more -- getting to know the neighbors, as it were. She was just about to loan me a book by Hafiz (The Gift) when I realized I have a pretty poor return-book ability right now. I'm just a fuzz-head. So I told her I'd head down to half or bookpeople and just buy one for myself. Maybe I'll just put it on my amazon wish list. Ooooh. Amazon has a new plog thing and it linked me to How cool is that?

Thursday, April 06, 2006


shy poppy?
Originally uploaded by carabou.
I'm in a point of stagnation with the garden. The spring growth spurt has stopped, and all of the summer stuff is slowly creeping open. Do I pull the weeds? Do I wait and see what they are? I already know the henbit and the bedstraw, and today I figured out I have a Carolina anemone prairie wildflower (why did I buy big ones?).

The mess from the hackberry fiasco is still sitting, waiting for me to figure out what I want to do with it. I definitely want a plank bench

And I'm making concrete balls so I can get enough feel for the medium to make something a little larger and nicer.

I'm also freaking out a little because I'm just now getting my tax stuff in order to file. AGGGGGH! Okay. A lot.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mosaic flower planted

Originally uploaded by carabou.
Finally. A day of not feel sorry for me. We finally got a mosaic in the ground on the Grayson side of the traffic calming islands. They look nice. I thought we would get the Half-penny island all finished before concentrating on the Grayson one, mainly because the half-penny island will have more watering and attention paid to it, but I was wrong. Pascal still needs to weather proof them, and who knows how long it will take for someone to either try to steal them or just run over them in spite and/or malice. People are odd. But for now, they look nice. And I took a picture of them, along with the plants that are doing okay for the time being.

Monarch Butterflies

Playing around with flickr.
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called butterfly garden. Make your own badge here.