Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Training Cats

I've decided to train the cats to use the litterbox. From this morning's statesman:
  • Move the litter box to a designated bathroom. Find a litter pan (a roasting pan will do) that will fit under the toilet seat. Put the pan on the floor beside the toilet, fill it with kitty litter and let the cat use it for at least three weeks.
  • Begin placing newspapers underneath the litter pan, gradually piling up the stack of papers until the height of the pan is level with the toilet seat. Allow sufficient time for the cat to form the habit of jumping up and going in the pan.
  • Place the pan securely under the toilet seat.
  • Next, cut a small hole in the center of the pan. Gradually enlarge the hole. At the same time, decrease the amount of litter in the pan. This step forces the cat to use the toilet seat to steady himself, first with two paws and finally with all four. At first, the cat will attempt to cover its deposits with litter but will eventually stop as the hole gets bigger.
  • When your cat is perching on the seat to relieve himself, you are ready to remove what remains of the pan. You now have a cat with a "potty habit."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I'm home, two fillings richer, 80 bucks poorer and half of my face numb and drooly. Fun times. He uses a dental dam. It was kind of weird. And very constricting for someone with claustrophobia. But I made it through without choking. So floss. And don't get cavities. Cuz trust me, they're no fun to get filled. Blagggggggh. I feel like half my face is melting. No food, no coffee, no mud tea for at least another three hours. And then in six months I get another cleaning. I love clean teeth.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Months and Months!

So much has happened. Shame on me for not posting. Lets see.
  • Got acupuncture
  • Still teaching animation
  • Saw Bill Plimpton
  • Helped friend with wedding (including cooking huge batches of paella for shower)
  • Broke and fixed many windows
  • Went to Grand Opening of Round Rock IKEA
  • Started agility with Maggie and Hope. Maggie graduated. Hope -- not so much
  • Leased (kind of) a Kharman Ghia - electric, of course
  • Shot skeet at my sister's ranch
  • ... It goes on. It's been busy.
And The Other wants me to post to his blog, but his blog is not my blog even though I'm hardly posting. Yeah. I should write more, eh?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I am not a fourth grade teacher

Friday was depressing after the dog attack on Thursday. The kids I teach animation as part of an after school thing decided to start calling each other names with vaguely racist undertones. Ok. Not so vague. They were racist. It got so bad that I told them that if I heard "that word" again, I'd send whomever said it to the after school program director. It was said. Unfortunately, it was said by one of the kids with a poor reputation for disruption already. There was crying. There was finger pointing. It was horrid.

I don't remember ever having such a discipline problem. But then, I went to six schools by the fifth grade, so I never really got to be anything else than "new girl."

I don't want to confine these kids, but I'm doing a horrid job getting across what they need to do to make animations because they're so used to being told exactly what to do. I hate that limitation, but I'm going to have to do it. Sad.

At least UT won the OU game. Stoops. hehehe

Friday, October 06, 2006

Agh! The dogs!

Yesterday evening, while A. was drinking sparkling shiraz with friends, Pico started barking with the neighbordogs who are totally ignored and bark all the time. I got annoyed and brought her in. Miss Maggs decided that because I was annoyed, she should attack Pico.

So she did.

I'm lucky I was able to get them apart. I've since done a little research on how to effectively break up a dog fight with just one person. It's not easy, but one way involves tying one dog by its hauches to a fixed object (fence, door) and grabbing the other dog by the rear legs (carefully) and tail, and pulling. I pulled Miss Maggs by the tail, but she wouldn't let go, so the three of us (with Hope in tow) walked around the house, crapping and pissing in fear. Okay. so it was only Pico. But still.


I should have realized that Miss Maggs was getting a little cocky when I'd walk in the living room and find her on the settee. Not enough exercise, not enough socialization. Not enough. Never enough.

I mopped everything up with dawn dishsoap (lavendar), then orange oil. And I smudged the house with cedar. It still feels bad. I really wish dogs had never come into our life, and now there's no going back.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lesson learned about an open freezer

Originally uploaded by orangeacid.

(Image borrowed from orangeacid's Flickr account b/c I don't have a macro.)

Two days. That's all it took for the freezer door to be slightly ajar in 97 degree weather. Two days, and enough of the dog food melted to cause a convocation of flies. I've killed at least 500 of them. (no, really.) They're there to drive me crazy.

I hate flies.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sneaky Water Theivery?

So, if the city opens up a fire hydrant to reduce pressure on the lines, and the water is being ejected so fast that it's projected across the street and down the gutter on our side, is it sneaky to walk out with a plastic pitcher and start dumping water on the very dry plants in the side yard?

I was being observed by both the dogs and two city employees. Since my pants are tight (I'm wearing my painting jeans) I came back inside.

Gah, I've got to lose weight.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Outside the Erwin Center after the Ann Richards Memorial

And we got 1.5" of rain on Saturday and Sunday. Some may have thought it was because it hadn't rained at ACL in the past couple of years. I think it was because a dear governor of texas passed on last friday and mother nature mourned one of her most unpredictable storms. The memorial service was today. We weren't there to see President Clinton cry on Saturday, but we saw Senator Clinton share her own recollection of the powerhouse that was Ann Richards. We'll miss you. And we're not giving up the fight.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

olla (Oh-Yeah!)

olla (Oh-Yeah!)
Originally uploaded by carabou.

Went out rowing today in the "Raymond Yin" (what a fine little boat - and a much better way of doing crunches). And I got soaked. Not from sweat this time, but from the sprinkling of some form of sky moisture. I think it was angels crying. Or maybe one of Neptune's dolphins decided to land with a huge belly flop. Or maybe it's just the sky falling. It's been so long since I've seen stuff other than pollen and dust (and cottonwood tree leaves) coming from the sky -- I'm not really sure what's going on. Whatever it is, it's almost 1/4". Wow. Nice and light sprinkling. And it's only 80 degrees instead of a bazillion

Also made some ollas for the yard. Hopefully I'll figure out how they work and get them in the ground and make the plants even happier than they already are (not).

We braved the outside world yesterday (after we did some work on the counter in the kitchen) and went to see Idiocracy. One of those films that requires multiple viewings to get all of the visual comedy. The plot is simple, and not unique, but still fun. Eugenics and commercialization ... We also watched Good Night and Good Luck. What a contrast. But both good in their own special way. I cared who's butts they were, and why they were farting. The main difference I see between Idiocracy and the Ballad of Ricky Bobby is the love ... Will Farrell may be mocking NASCAR, but he's doing it with love. And maybe, just maybe, a little tongue. Costco love was a little ... scary. But undeniably funny, nonetheless.

Some people dance to the beat of a different drummer,
And some people POLKA!

Friday, September 01, 2006

the bow of the Chile Pequin

the bow of the Chile Pequin
Originally uploaded by carabou.
We're back from Maine, glorious cool weather and misty days. I was glad it rained half the time we were there. Sad to go on vacation to get rained on and enjoy it. We went two months without any rain, and finally got a measly half inch. I've broken out the sprinker and am keeping a patch of grass alive. The rest ... what a great excuse to replace it with something else.

I'm also experimenting with ollas in the side garden. I've glued two terra cotta pots together, but I didn't seal them well, so I'm going to have to pull them out and reglue them. Bah.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Cat fur

If I were the type of person who thought about these things, I might take the observation that my cats' fur seems to change over time a little more seriously. My cats are getting older, and it seems that their fur is sticking around longer (they're now more DMH's than DSH's). How long does cat fur stick around before it's shed, anyway? A year? Seven years (eyelash fur)? And is there some weird enzyme that the skin produces after a while that makes the fur longer as the bones get thinner (and the cat hunts less since it's no longer "hungry" all the time)? (My cats are *always* hungry. Even when they've just eaten.) If I had the background, I might try to figure this out. As it is, I'll just wonder. And watch the near&dear's bald spot grow.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


So the problem with the monkeys and Shakespeare is that right now there really are thousands of monkeys writing and publishing. But only a few of them are brilliant works. And when Shakespeare finally gets around to writing, one of the monkeys jumps up and yells "copyright infringement!" And this has nothing to do with Ann Coulter trying to justify her way out of a plagiarism accusation. I hate the ignorant-- what was it? -- "harpie" and I've never even met her.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Balmy day

Rained .2 inches last night. The weather on the first dog walk of the day was amazing. 70 degrees outside, slight breeze, gentle filtering light through partly cloudy skies ...

And I learned you can wash down comforters without destroying them. But I was still upset he didn't read the label.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wash day dilemma

So do I thank him for doing the laundry (and spending three hours at the laundromat) or do I get really frustrated because he washed the very large and expensive down comforter that says (in large letters) DRY CLEAN ONLY?

plants for adult butterflies

Originally uploaded by carabou.
annuals, biennials, perennials

  • Achillea (Yarrow)
  • Agapanthus (Lily-of-the-nile)
  • Agastache (Giant Hyssop)
  • Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon)
  • Aquilegia (Columbine)
  • Armeria (Thrift, Sea Pink)
  • Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed)
  • Aster
  • Astilbe (False Spiraea)
  • Borago officinalis (Borage)
  • Bouvardia
  • Catananche caerulea (Cupid's Dart)
  • Centranthus ruber (red valerian)
  • Ceratostigma plumbaginoldes (dwarf plumbago
  • Chelone (turtlehead)
  • Chrysanthemum maximum (shasta daisy)
  • Coreopsis
  • Cosmos
  • cynoglossum amabile
  • Delphinium
  • Dianthus (pink)
  • Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower)
  • Echinops (globe thistle)
  • Erigeron (fleabane)
  • Eryngium amethystinum (sea holly)
  • Erysimum cheiri (english wallflwoer)
  • Eupatorium
  • Gaillardia grandiflora (blanket flower)
  • Heliotropium arborescens (common heleiotrope)
  • Hesperis matronalis (dame's rocket)
  • Iberis (candytuft)
  • Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea)
  • Liatris
  • Lobelia
  • Lobularia maritima (sweet alyssum)
  • Monarda (bee balm)
  • Nepeta
  • Origanum vulgara (oregano)
  • Penstemon (beard tongue)
  • pentas lanceolata (star clusters)
  • Phlox
  • Primula vialii
  • Prunelia vulgaris (self-heal)
  • Ranunculus
  • Rudbeckia hirta (gloriosa daisy)
  • Salvia (sage)
  • Scabiosa (pincushion flower)
  • Sedum (tall) Stonecrop)
  • Solidago (Goldenrod)
  • Tagetes (Marigold)
  • Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican sunflower)
  • Verbena bonariensis
  • Zauschneria (California Fuchsia)


  • Abelia
  • Aralia spinosa (Hercules' club)
  • Buddleia
  • Calluna vulgaris (Scotch Heather)
  • Caryopteris (Bluebeard)
  • Ceanothus
  • Clethra alnifolia (summersweet)
  • Eriogonum (some) (Wild Buckwheat)
  • Hebe
  • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
  • Lantana
  • Lavandula
  • Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
  • Mahonia
  • Philadelphus (single flowered mock orange)
  • Potentilla (Cinquefoil)
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhus trilobata (squawbush)
  • Ribes
  • Rosmarinus officinails
  • Sambucus (elderberry)
  • Spiraea
  • Syringa (Lilac)
  • Vaccinium
  • Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree)


  • Acer (Maple)
  • Aesculus (Horsechestnut)
  • Apple
  • Citrus
  • Salix (Willow)
  • Vitex (Chaste Tree)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Plants that attract butterfly larvae

second swallowtail
Originally uploaded by carabou.

From some book that needs to be credited, but all I have are printouts and they didn't put the information on the header/footer.

annuals, biennials, perennials

  • Alcea rosea
  • Antirrhinum majus
  • Artichoke
  • asclepias
  • aster
  • cleome hasslerana
  • dicentra
  • digitalis purpurea
  • eriogonum
  • foeniculum vulgare
  • geum
  • helianthus
  • heliotropium arborescens
  • linaria purpurea
  • lupinus
  • penstmon
  • sidalcea
  • tropaeolum majus
  • veronica

Ground covers, vines

  • passiflora
  • strawberry
  • wisteria
  • Cassia
  • Ceanothus
  • Hibiscus
  • lavatera
  • Malva
  • Plumbago suriculate
  • ribes
  • rose
  • spiraea
  • viburnum


  • aesculus
  • betula
  • celtis
  • citrus
  • cornus
  • crataegus
  • malus
  • pinus
  • platanus
  • populus
  • prunus
  • Pseudotsuga menziesli
  • quercus
  • salix

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You are about to blow food or drink out of your nose

And we've already got our tickets

  • Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
  • Van Morrison
  • Willie Nelson
  • Massive Attack
  • String Cheese Incident
  • Ben Harper
  • The Flaming Lips
  • it goes on!

The Renewable Energy Roundup folk learned their lesson last year and scheduled this year's festivities for the next weekend.

(and yesterday I killed 23 flies)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Eighteen Flies!

Okay. The fly and flea killing is getting obsessive. I know. And I'm coming to terms with the need to get rid of things and the problem of having things that no-one wants (not clutter), so I have to absolutely throw them away. Even the perpetual listing on half.com doesn't work.

It's hard to throw away books. Maybe I should just burn them instead.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Open Tables

Yesterday I killed 23 flies and N&D ate dinner at the Headliners Club (and wore a jacket. He really does clean up well). He said the food was adequate, but the view was fantastic. In explaining the food, he said that I was an amazing cook (when I did actually cook), so he had high expectations (isn't he sweet?). He had some sort of stuffed chicken dish on risotto, giant stringy asparagus and an overly dry strawberry shortcake.

We then started talking about Wink and how the food is exceptional (for the most part -- I haven't yet had an adequate meal, but we don't eat there often), but the atmosphere is crowded and loud. Granted, we usually get a little tipsy and are part of the reason it's so loud, but there's too many tables for the space.

Food? Yum. Since Clee and I (and TAH and Topher) are such amazing cooks, and we get together frequently anyway, I'm initiating a grub club and I'm spending the day working on a logo (on top of applying for jobs and patching and painting the drywall in the bathroom). This Thursday I want to try some tapas recipes so the theme is going to be "Little Victuals". I like the rhyming factor.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day

Love your mother!

Actually, Kill FLIES! So far, 18. There will be more.

UPDATE: Nine more flies and I discovered why the bedroom smells bad. Nuncle pissed on my yoga mat. So far, in the last three days, that's: The Technology Review magazine (not even opened as it had come in the mail that day); the cardboard cat scratches (all three at the same time because I was vacuuming); just outside the litterbox; the watering fountain; and now my yoga mat. I would think this was a sign of sickness, except I know it's all him being a little pisser. Literally.

Why, why did I spend so much saving this cat's life? Sometimes I think liver failure was nature's way of sparing me this pain and I should have paid attention to nature rather than paid to save his life. Now I'm paying with stinky house and Nature's Miracle. It's good, but the cat has got to stop!

UPDATE: THIRTY ONE MORE FLIES!!!!!! And windows in the bedroom that I can actually see through.

UPDATE: THREE more flies (that makes 61 flies. All because of the rotting loquat, fermenting chinaberry, and the dog poop. I hate flies. Clarification -- flies are okay. I hate BZZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZHBAHZZZZZZ). Also, spread out the mulch, including around the pear tree (again) and moved the small Senecio mandraliscae to the front. The full sun and no water it was getting with the other succulents was leaving it rather sad looking. So less sun and more water and hopefully it will improve.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Instant bog!

Instant bog!
Originally uploaded by carabou.
Today sucks. Just in general. I never really viewed myself as depicting the "victim" -- but I'm really get tired of being yelled at. I'm not a scapegoat for others frustrations. Quit killin' the messenger. Really. Obtuse? Yes. But I really can't say much more other than I feel like crap and I don't know how much longer I can handle this. At all.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by carabou.

Trudy's for a birthday cake in a glass. I had a frustrating day, especially since all I really wanted to do was go to Pedernales and sit with my feet in the water, eat some chocolate cake and think about life. *sigh*

Carolee and Christopher are ver' cool though. Two amazing books (one fun, one supercool), christmas lights, mints, a fabulous butterfly dish (not a butter dish, but the butterfly named "Figure 1"), night blooming jasmine and a rather cool pot. They're so cool. *sigh*


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Eventful Easter

Weeding 15 April
Originally uploaded by carabou.

N&D's been amazing these past few days. He's watered all the plants that needed watering, built a Chuy fence, helped me build a new door to the crawlspace under the house so we can get rid of the pile of bricks and rather large plant keeping the dogs out, and he created an extension to our side fence to keep people from jumping over it.

The Story with Caveat: I have no concrete evidence; this is based on impressions of the event and it could have actually been something completely innocent.

Thursday night at about 1:30am N&D and I were jolted out of bed by the dogs barking furiously, a loud thunk and a
weird metal sound, and then the 70# dog squealing horribly (she squeals
anyway when she's nervous -- she's a diva -- but this was more of a
pain squeal). After five minutes of "time out" to calm her down, she
didn't jump up to greet me, was breathing irregularly and licking her
side as if it hurt. No obvious broken ribs, but she was acting as if
they were bruised.

In the morning, over on the only side of the house without a motion
sensor light, where I cleared out the hedge so we can fix the metal on
the chain link fence that is bent and loose, I saw the mulch
underneath the tree on the non-dog side completely mushed up in about
a four foot-long swatch. Just large enough for a person jumping a
fence rather quickly to land.

N&D's been leaving the dogs access to the backyard at night as he's been feeling as if someone's been scoping the house. The last time he felt this way, we found out someone had actually been using our yard to dump stolen wallets.

We didn't actually see anyone ... The dogs bark at cats ... and dogs
... and squirrels ... and people walking by ...

... but we're pretty sure someone tried to break in to our house

Happy Easter/Mid-Pesach/Seasonal Holiday of your Denomination!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

smack down cat

Originally uploaded by carabou.
So yesterday I joined my first Flickr group. I uploaded this image this morning.

On my walk this morning, a little black cat was trying to get the smack-down with Maggs and Hope. It followed us for almost a full block, tail puffy, intent in its eyes. I couldn't stop laughing as I was almost pulled off balance. Plus two of my neighbors brightened my day a little more as a minute after that, they told me that they loved the side garden (this one -- the domino garden, where more pictures are posted on flickr than here, the blog that is dedicated to it. Agh!)

Anyway. What a funny way to start the day.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy News / Sad News

This weekend was beautiful. Literally. Gorgeous Saturday, and N&D and I spent the morning and early afternoon at the mosaic-jam. Two mosaic-people, two mosaic-flowers, and only one more mosaic-person to go. Yay! And then Aaron and I worked on the brochure, and I cooked really nasty carrot cake that was way to healthy (ew).

Sunday, up early. Aaron washed clothes while I spent the entire morning looking for my keys. Nowhere in the house. I don't know where they are. Watered the plants in the island. Sad to be missing such another beautiful day that I could spend with puppies in the park but the brochure is mostly done (there are some image issues, and it really needs to be printed ... but whatever). And then found out that Lily was PTS. Sweet, sweet, majestic loving girl. 108 in human-equivalent of dog years. She was tired, I bet. Sweet, gentle, grey furred girl.

My heart aches for Sonja. It really does. I hope her spirit flies with Lily tonight in her dreams and she feels that soft warm body next to hers when she's curled up in bed.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Sometimes I love our neighborhood

poppy mosaic #3 Originally uploaded by carabou.
Sonja neighbor is so cool. I've been chatting with her more -- getting to know the neighbors, as it were. She was just about to loan me a book by Hafiz (The Gift) when I realized I have a pretty poor return-book ability right now. I'm just a fuzz-head. So I told her I'd head down to half or bookpeople and just buy one for myself. Maybe I'll just put it on my amazon wish list. Ooooh. Amazon has a new plog thing and it linked me to yougrowgirl.com. How cool is that?

Thursday, April 06, 2006


shy poppy?
Originally uploaded by carabou.
I'm in a point of stagnation with the garden. The spring growth spurt has stopped, and all of the summer stuff is slowly creeping open. Do I pull the weeds? Do I wait and see what they are? I already know the henbit and the bedstraw, and today I figured out I have a Carolina anemone prairie wildflower (why did I buy big ones?).

The mess from the hackberry fiasco is still sitting, waiting for me to figure out what I want to do with it. I definitely want a plank bench

And I'm making concrete balls so I can get enough feel for the medium to make something a little larger and nicer.

I'm also freaking out a little because I'm just now getting my tax stuff in order to file. AGGGGGH! Okay. A lot.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mosaic flower planted

Originally uploaded by carabou.
Finally. A day of not feel sorry for me. We finally got a mosaic in the ground on the Grayson side of the traffic calming islands. They look nice. I thought we would get the Half-penny island all finished before concentrating on the Grayson one, mainly because the half-penny island will have more watering and attention paid to it, but I was wrong. Pascal still needs to weather proof them, and who knows how long it will take for someone to either try to steal them or just run over them in spite and/or malice. People are odd. But for now, they look nice. And I took a picture of them, along with the plants that are doing okay for the time being.

Monarch Butterflies

Playing around with flickr.

This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called butterfly garden. Make your own badge here.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another feel sorry for me post

Again, please feel sorry for me. The garden really is looking much nicer, with very happy poppies, but the dogs tried to kill one of their own last week, and I'm two thousand dollars poorer because of it.

That's a lot of sudden debt. But I've gotten a little joy from the happy flowers in our sideyard, and the rain. Even with all of the mud, the rain is quite nice.

So now we have a permanently inside dog (christened "Cat") and three muddy monsters that insist on laying on top of my tomato plants. But life ... yeah.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I need someone to feel sorry for me today

Sorry for the graphic disgusting thing that follows (don't read it if you're eating, or plan to ever eat again). I just need a little sympathy thrown my way.

Every thirty minutes or so I've been going into the dog porch and cleaning up gobs of diarrhea. I can't let any of the dogs out into the yard because tree guys are here (gate wide open=dogs on walkabout), and although they're tolerant of dogs, falling tree branches aren't the safest environment for sniffy, nosey, barky beasts.

So. Four contained dogs. One with diarrhea. Who keeps licking his nasty sticky butt. And then throwing up.

I feel soooo sorry for him. Vet is closed today, and I wouldn't take him anyway without waiting for at least 24 hours to see if it goes away on its own. But still.

He's spread diarrhea over EVERYTHING! The couch cover, the ottoman cover, the floor (and the floor again - and again - and again (repeat several more times) - the floor hasn't been cleaned this much since we moved in).

I gave him a bath. He spread diarrhea all over our bathtub (ew!)

In short, IT STINKS!

And I can't clean thoroughly or disinfect anything until tree guys go away (b/c there's no place to put the dogs other than the dog room. The cats are freaking out enough as it is without having to share their space with dogs that smell like diarrhea)

So. I'm sick dog mom today. At least the trees are getting trimmed.

I'm almost glad I decided to stay home today, but it sucks because it's -- shitty. He's in the kennel right now. It means an even nastier bath later, but at least I can remove the cover from the couch so two Black dogs have a place to chill. Brown dog hasn't left her kennel all morning.

Poor Red dog. And yet, I doubt he'll learn to avoid whatever he ate to cause this.



At least I have black pansy sorbet (unless N&D ate the last of it last night). Once I shower (again), I'm having me a pansy margarita.

Mmm. margaritas are such a wonderful panacea.

Some Recipes for Herb/Flower Sorbets which would explain the beautiful picture up top.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Ok. There's still some weirdness with posting that I still don't understand, but it seems to be working.

Anyway. Lots going on in the yard. The irises are up. The anemones are up. The bulbine is blooming. The daisy is still kickin'. And everything is just, well, moving along. Planted some clumping shallots, a different type of buddleia (purple!), a couple of bronze fennels (the bulbing fennel that I bought by accident is HUGE!).

I took a whole bunch of free pansies and snapdragons home from Marbridge Garden Center in Manchaca (they were free because they were free. Not because I stole them). What a cool place. Also bought a Sky Pencil: the Ilex crenata of Tomorrow! but I haven't planted it yet.

Also have visited the Sunshine Gardens plant sale, the austin organic plant society's plant sale (at Zilker), Natural Gardener (of course!), it's about thyme, howards nursery ... can't wait until Wheatsville! And the Wildflower center is having their sale in april. I like to visit and ogle more than anything as I know most of what I'm planting is pretty and ornamental for the most part, but darn it, the yard is all grass and I hate grass. Grassy grass grass.

Monkey Man came to our house and told me all of our trees are Old and Sad. Termite Lady came and told me to not freak out about the termites in my pear tree. (And a termite mound in a pear tree ... ) I'm taking action requested by Termite Lady, and Monkey Men will be out on Wednesday trimming back all of the dead stuff way high up in the air. Too bad I have to work; I'd love to watch them.

TAH took some pictures. That's a double blossom purple poppy anemone. All of the other anemone's are just single headed. I'm going to try to let it go to seed (hard to resist cutting!) so I can plant some next year.

The Domino Garden

Spring Fever!

Hopefully this will post. It's been a while since blogger's worked with me. So this may just be fruitless effort.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Lost a blog entry


But planted a rose tree, and two different bulb types: Firebird Cannas and The President Clematis.

Also transplanted some more of the poppies, but the dogs keep trampling them to get to the yarrow to eat. Yarrow is a stimulant. Stupid dogs.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Preps for a new bed

So the boy said he wants to do exactly what we did in the first butterfly garden along the entire side yard. I'm not so keen, but whatever. It's not like it's all going to die during the next drought anyway.

We bought a new printer this afternoon. Oddly enough, there was an Epson rep hanging around. He, of course, recommended a couple of Epson printers and one of them looked good enough to buy. Good thing we think Epson's a good printer to begin with, but he had a vested interest in what we were looking at to buy.

Really enjoying finishing up House of Paper. It's warm enough to garden; I'm just pretending that it isn't because I'm enjoying my newfound laziness.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Rose bowl preparations

So it's been forever since I posted. Not that it matters (hehehe). Right now, little longhorn shaped cookies are cooling on racks, waiting for me to decorate them. Yep. I'm making theme cookies. But hopefully this year, a little snub of useless creativity will come back into my life. I'm tired of working on the house, the yard. I want it to be done already! I think we may watch the game at a local theater (with beer), or maybe just watch it at home. Beer is generally much, much cheaper at home, AND there's the spouse's fantastic cheesey gooey goodness served on chips.

The holidays were actually quite pleasant. I'm just going to leave it at that.

The yard has been sitting, although the living christmas cheer is waiting for a permanent home. The spouse suggested next year we get a christmas elm. or perhaps a christmas lemon. Sometimes, the spouse is right on par with genius.