Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Training Cats

I've decided to train the cats to use the litterbox. From this morning's statesman:
  • Move the litter box to a designated bathroom. Find a litter pan (a roasting pan will do) that will fit under the toilet seat. Put the pan on the floor beside the toilet, fill it with kitty litter and let the cat use it for at least three weeks.
  • Begin placing newspapers underneath the litter pan, gradually piling up the stack of papers until the height of the pan is level with the toilet seat. Allow sufficient time for the cat to form the habit of jumping up and going in the pan.
  • Place the pan securely under the toilet seat.
  • Next, cut a small hole in the center of the pan. Gradually enlarge the hole. At the same time, decrease the amount of litter in the pan. This step forces the cat to use the toilet seat to steady himself, first with two paws and finally with all four. At first, the cat will attempt to cover its deposits with litter but will eventually stop as the hole gets bigger.
  • When your cat is perching on the seat to relieve himself, you are ready to remove what remains of the pan. You now have a cat with a "potty habit."