Monday, September 18, 2006

Outside the Erwin Center after the Ann Richards Memorial

And we got 1.5" of rain on Saturday and Sunday. Some may have thought it was because it hadn't rained at ACL in the past couple of years. I think it was because a dear governor of texas passed on last friday and mother nature mourned one of her most unpredictable storms. The memorial service was today. We weren't there to see President Clinton cry on Saturday, but we saw Senator Clinton share her own recollection of the powerhouse that was Ann Richards. We'll miss you. And we're not giving up the fight.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

olla (Oh-Yeah!)

olla (Oh-Yeah!)
Originally uploaded by carabou.

Went out rowing today in the "Raymond Yin" (what a fine little boat - and a much better way of doing crunches). And I got soaked. Not from sweat this time, but from the sprinkling of some form of sky moisture. I think it was angels crying. Or maybe one of Neptune's dolphins decided to land with a huge belly flop. Or maybe it's just the sky falling. It's been so long since I've seen stuff other than pollen and dust (and cottonwood tree leaves) coming from the sky -- I'm not really sure what's going on. Whatever it is, it's almost 1/4". Wow. Nice and light sprinkling. And it's only 80 degrees instead of a bazillion

Also made some ollas for the yard. Hopefully I'll figure out how they work and get them in the ground and make the plants even happier than they already are (not).

We braved the outside world yesterday (after we did some work on the counter in the kitchen) and went to see Idiocracy. One of those films that requires multiple viewings to get all of the visual comedy. The plot is simple, and not unique, but still fun. Eugenics and commercialization ... We also watched Good Night and Good Luck. What a contrast. But both good in their own special way. I cared who's butts they were, and why they were farting. The main difference I see between Idiocracy and the Ballad of Ricky Bobby is the love ... Will Farrell may be mocking NASCAR, but he's doing it with love. And maybe, just maybe, a little tongue. Costco love was a little ... scary. But undeniably funny, nonetheless.

Some people dance to the beat of a different drummer,
And some people POLKA!

Friday, September 01, 2006

the bow of the Chile Pequin

the bow of the Chile Pequin
Originally uploaded by carabou.
We're back from Maine, glorious cool weather and misty days. I was glad it rained half the time we were there. Sad to go on vacation to get rained on and enjoy it. We went two months without any rain, and finally got a measly half inch. I've broken out the sprinker and am keeping a patch of grass alive. The rest ... what a great excuse to replace it with something else.

I'm also experimenting with ollas in the side garden. I've glued two terra cotta pots together, but I didn't seal them well, so I'm going to have to pull them out and reglue them. Bah.