Friday, January 07, 2011

Shredding Top Soil

I love my shredder. If you view shredded paper as tree pulp, then it's instant leaves. I found a couple of resources regarding using shredded paper in the garden, and I have to do further research on some of the concerns I have. Compost N:C ratio calculator is a really neat tool that allows you to determine how much of each to get a perfectly "hot" compost mix. I dream about a hot compost pile. Right now I have chickens. They scratch. I have access to free horse manure via craigslist (I just need to figure out how to transport it) and keep it away from the chickens (they scratch) and I have some lovely ideas but haven't acted on them yet. I'm slightly worried about fly control and would like to purchase more of the parasitic wasps. There are more sites selling them now. They're about the size of tiny gnats but they seem to work somewhat. I'd like to get them acclimated so I don't have to keep buying them. I dream. I'm still slightly concerned about the controversy regarding the clay-like aspect of coated paper. I should put in an automatic irrigation system (and a moisture level monitor to keep it at an optimal rate). And I'd like to order more earthworms. One thing at a time. If you don't have top soil ... make it!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Citizen Gardener

So maybe I don't have time to be a "Master Gardener". Eh. Who has times to master anything these days? ;-p Instead, I get to be Citizen Gardener. Or at least I will once I complete the requirements for the SFC class for which I registered. Woo. This sounds much more 21st century. "Nothing to seed here ... move along." Didn't spend any time in the garden, but did order seeds from Seeds of Change including the Beet Berry. Hopefully I won't kill it.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Keeters and Rain

The keeters are in fine form today (and yesterday). Hester's been working out her lungs. It wouldn't be so bad except she's insanely loud and very ocd about the whole thing. They visited the renter's next door in the morning, and then spent the rest of the day buWHEE and AKAKAKing about it. Rain today, 55 degrees. Looking at seed catalogs wondering what I should get. Found an amazing concept yesterday related to the garden posse and now I lost it. Thinking about ordering beet berries since I've never had them.