Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Destination Unknown ...

Just finished Path Without Desination: An Autobiography of Satish Kumar. Inspiring. I stopped practicing the violin - picked it up and it sounded horrid (it sounded fine actually, it was my playing it that was disharmonious). After reading this book (rather quickly -- I don't know why I get so bored at the end and start skimming. must work on that) I realized I stopped practicing living. It's one thing to try to treat the world with no expectations, to view everything as impermanent. But that's not living. Respect toward earth, community, self. Nice.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A year to live

Heard an interview on Ira Glass's show yesterday that reminded me of the Stephen Levine book A year to live. I just quit another job and find myself again just drifting. It's nice to not have attachments, I suppose, but rather than feeling liberated, I just feel lost. Clouds don't feel lost. They've got momentum.

Maybe it's time to go through the steps again.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Art and Pineapple!

Went on an artist tour of the neighborhood and was inspired. I miss having time to make things because they need to be made, not because they have to get done. That's an odd distinction. I guess sanding / staining / polycoating the floor in the living room was fun, but not creative. Although there are now Taki paws in the stain, despite my efforts to keep the cats out. They're sneaky little bits. Also bought a pineapple at the store and the boy and I ate it with breakfast (and lunch and snack and dinner). Found this fantastic website to grow your own pineapple top. Mine's a-drying right now. It gives me something to do other than worry about the drought we're having.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

There's a freeze warning for tomorrow night. I'm tired of living in the mess of our house, and now fall is officially hitting the area. Our living room is in the process of being refinished (by me and the spouse) and the cats are stuck in the bedroom. They're not happy. All of the living room furniture is scattered about in the rest of the house (and I'm not happy). To top it off, two days in a row I see dead dogs on my walks with the living ones. So I made an appointment with an animal communicator for Monday. Maybe it will help resolve things.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Too much to do in the house; too much to do in the yard. The office is now purple, and the bathroom has an amazing supernoval paint effect going on. The cats are still annoyingly cute and the dogs are cleaner. The boy's grandmother had a heart attack but she's fine. The grandfather had some of his nitroglycerine and told her to pop a few to calm the attack down. She did; felt better; decided to wait to call the doctor (!). A short stay in the hospital and she's sounding better than when she went in (probably that yankee fortitude). The weather is unusually warm. The hydrangeas I planted (were they hydrangeas? I have to check the bag) came up. They were supposed to snuggle in the ground until spring. I'm worried about them. I also planted some free cannas (yay free!). They're really supposed to be divided in the spring, but whatever. The budleja I bought from Oregon now has sprouts. I divided it, and the other two have sprouts as well. Again, worried. Poor little confused plants. It's not spring yet. I also pulled the dog guard off of the spinach. They're on their own now. Sprigly sprouts sticking their cute little heads out. I can't wait to eat them. I'm thinking about planting some horsetail along the side of the garage to give it a zen feel. Not sure yet. Still thinking.