Monday, April 23, 2007

Birthday dinner

Tomorrow I'll be in class, so Aaron and I celebrated my birthday dinner a day early. Went to Doña Emilia's - an argentinian casual dining place across the street from the Four Seasons - as Chez Nous (my fave) is closed on Mondays. Tasty chimichurri, but it was a little too oily for my stomach. Aaron loved the ribeye, and there were a couple of other things that looked intriguing. The mashed potatoes had -- bacon! and the green beans were incredible. However, the nice part - and I mean come-back-for-again nice - were the happy hour prices. Half priced appetizers and drinks from 5-7. Well worth going down just for that. We ended up spending a bit because, well, it's my birthday, but didn't order dessert as I made myself a tart. No, I didn't tart myself up. Silly. I was going to make a chicken cake (never mind), but decided I wanted a tart instead. Pretty! Too bad the only fruit at H.E.B. that looked good were the kiwis, strawberries and blackberries. A good start, though.

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