Friday, January 12, 2007

Lemon Bars and the chance for snow

I made lemon bars last night. They were almost perfect. The shortbread was a little off, and I learned a lesson on parchment paper use and lemon bar making. I didn't take a picture of them before I cut them (and these are intense lemon bars, so an 8" x 8" square became over 16 lemon bars 1" x 1.5-2" in size, with some "pieces" left over for breakfast). So my quest for the perfect lemon bar will hopefully end soon (when I find the perfect shortbread crust).

And! We're going to see a movie tonight. Possible Arthur and the Invisibles, or maybe the Curse of the Golden Shower, or possibly Children of Men. I like living in a city with more than one movie theater.

1 comment:

carabou said...

The Best Lemon Bars Ever recipe is from Fine Cooking, Summer 2002, and was originally posted at From the kitchen of a captious vegetarian